Technical Specifications
Super-insulated steel framed building system utilizing panel components
EPS panels utilize a structural steel stud connection system. However, the structure is considered a steel framed system with rigid insulation, isolating and encapsulating the structural steel studs and patented connectors and is approved by a local registered structural engineer and utilizes ICC approved steel studs and EPS foam.
We have eliminated measuring each stud typical to conventional framing practices. We build with the insulation panels first which locate each structural stud component, making the installation very fast and correct the first time.
Walls go up in minutes and a small house can be erected in one day using local labor and is ready for occupancy in about one week.
Concrete pads or slab foundations are preferred for fast installations
BallistiCrete interior protection is available if needed
Meets IBC steel-framed construction standards, utilizing ICC approved steel studs and EPS foam
Engineered to withstand hurricane-force winds and CA seismic zone 4
Easily and rapidly able to be assembled
Utilizes PlasterMax fire rated interior abuse resistant finishes
Utilizes StuccoMax non-combustible waterproof exterior finishes
No cement=low carbon footprint
Unlimited design possibilities including curved walls
Ideally suited for low-cost and affordable housing
No wood, rot, mold, or mildew
Insect and fire resistant
Homes come in a handful of components, making onsite installations simple and fast.
Gigabuilt homes are super insulated, steel-framed systems targeting projects where rapid speed of construction and ease of assembly are important. By significantly reducing labor costs and project cycle times, Gigabuilt building systems allow for a high performance sustainable structure to be constructed at or below wood-framed prices.
This is a revolutionary step in the way we build by reducing onsite labor costs. All walls are super insulated with higher R values starting at R-24 and up to R-60.
Building operating costs are reduced, HVAC systems can be sized down as much as 60%, and operating times to heat or cool the structure are shortened significantly.
No matter if you are building a home, school classrooms, commercial space, medical centers, churches, multi-use buildings, etc., these products provide thermal efficiency and speed to get your project completed and your new building/facility occupied in a timely matter.